“Let there be light. And so light appeared” [Genesis 1:3, CEB]. Our earliest scriptures teach us that when God began God’s creative processes, there was an initial need to dispel darkness. Therefore, as God’s first command in crafting the cosmos, Elohim said, “Let there be light. And so light appeared” [Genesis 1:3, CEB]. The darkness was not completely banished, of course. God allowed it to remain as part of the created order. “Elohim named the light Day and the darkness Night” [Genesis 1:5, CEB]. And so, from that primordial moment, there has been a duel of sorts between darkness and light. Other scriptures reveal to us, however, that it is…
"Dispatches to the Front" -- a collection of theological meditations by Thomas A. Robinson, J.D., M.Div.